Speccy ClassiX 1998
Speccy ClassiX 98.iso
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% RunIt version 1.6 %
% Updated: 11th July 1993 %
% NOTE: %
Just a short note about version 1.5 which is a "butchered" 1.4 with
a BORDER option added , it was released by Thomas!/SP NOT me!, the
routine he added did not work correctly with the Degrade and Scrblank
routines and caused the machine to GURU.
I was *VERY* annoyed to see that someone had altered Version 1.4 and
added an option without even consulting me , in fact BORDER was already
due to be added! , the BORDER option ive coded for this version WORKS with
ALL options available on the RunIt command line!.
Next time , if anyone wants an option added , just call The Krypt
and leave mail to me , or get a message to someone who DOES call the
Krypt , and they will pass the message on!.
Its that simple.
% Future Options %
I will be doing updates to RunIt every 3-4 weeks or so.
Version 1.7 is already being coded with a few newboot options
+ an option that will allow you to use Runits "options" on
100% full dos disks!
I will hopefully be adding a GUI version of Runit in future archives
% About: %
Runit must NOT be distributed without this document file.
Runit is charityware, if you use it, please give help to those in need.
If you have any questions or ideas for more utils Call
The Krypt BBS (UK) on 021 789 6845 (Oversea`s +44 21 789 6845)
% Usage: %
Runit can be used in the startup-sequence as a cli command or used
from the cli/shell as a tool to run game/utility boot blocks that
refuse to work on 680x0 or newer machines such as A1200/4000/3000
Tested on kickstarts 1.2 to 4.x ,and should work on all future kicks
Runit with no options will display a help screen explaining the
options available, i will describe here in what circumstances
they may need to be used.
It does not matter what order you type the options in.
NOCACHE - Use this option if diskloads fail, graphics corrupt
or if programs crash for no reason
SCRBLANK - Have you ever noticed how using the boot options
screen sometimes cause`s screens to be corrupted?
or when software that ran from workbench on kick 1.X
has corrupted screens on kick 2.X / 3.X.
Also use this option if the colours appear wrong
when running the game on your AGA or AAA machine!
This option opens a Fake 1.X screen and blanks it until
the software in question opens its own.
SPRITE - If your sprites are corrupt / to large / small use this
option to reset them to normal resolution
FAKEFAST - An enhanced version of FAKEMEM , this will give you
512k chip / rest of chip ram: classed as fast ram: on
1meg + chip machines.
Use this when "no fast mem" requesters appear , or when
games just lock , due to no fast mem.
Remember this resets the machine the first time it is run
so any other options on the command line will be ignored
first time , but will function correctly next time they
are called.
NTSCMODE - Ever noticed that annoying gap at the bottom of some
softwares screens , try this option!
ECS chipset or above needed.
PALMODE - Returns you to normal screen mode
ECS chipset or above needed.
OLDKICK - Because of certain changes in kick 2.X , 3.X , certain
games failed when libraries returns were slightly
different to those on kick 1.x , this routine patches
these to return old 1.x values.
Try these on games such as Silkworm IV , Saint Dragon ETC.
SET??? - This needs some explaining , what it does is to select the
chipset you specify , if that chipset is available , or can be
Mimic`d then the system / hardware is told to use that chipset.
Currently AGA can mimic the OLD & ECS chipsets, use this option
when GFX / Sound corrupt etc.
You could also use this option under AGA to speed up GFX
routines that use the operating system. ( Use SETAGA )
SETOLD = Select/Mimic OLD chipset
SETECS = Select/Mimic ECS chipset
SETAGA = Select/Mimic AGA chipset
SETBEST = Use the best chipset available
VBASE - Use this option if games fail to load , no music etc.
NEWVBASE - I have noticed that some games put code around the $c0
memory area , while this is ok for the majority of games
that disable the operating system , it will cause a lot
of problems for HD installable software that does not!
Use this option if for NO reason a game locks up or fails
to function correctly on your 680x0 machine, but works fine
on a 68000 based one!
CHIP512K - Many programs fail when more than 512k chip memory is
available , especially demos , try this option if a game
or demo/etc fails to load on your 1meg+ chip machine
FASTOFF - Its stupid isnt it! , ive seen some NEW programs that have
been written for the A1200/A4000 that HATE fastram when
present and just lock up when its around!, try this option
if all else fails!
BORDER - This routine is for those BADLY written intuition programs
that cause problems in certain screen modes / monitors.
These problems only occur on kick 3.X / 4.X machines.
There are no hard fast rules about this option , you could
just use it to improve clarity on your WB!.
It will create a Black border around the screen area on 1st
running , run it again to return to normal screen mode!
See NOTE: at beginning of this doc file!
DEGRADE - A lot of people asked for this, what it does is basically
calls the nocache/scrblank/sprite/oldkick/setold/vbase
routines in this program, but all in one simple command!
For those of you who are lazy or HATE typing :)
Use this option if you are unsure why the software crashes
NOTE: You can still add other options on the command line.
CLEAR - Resets machine if Virus or other contamination present.
FILTER - Turns off the low pass filter , this will make sounds
clearer and sharper.
HIGHBOOT - Runit was originally written only as a cli command , but
LOWBOOT its options were also usefull for NONDOS disks ie: games.
I found the boot options screen did not help all the time.
These 2 options were added so that a disk in df0: can be
booted with any of the options above.
Remember that runit can be used in a startup-sequence or used to boot
NON DOS disks , in this respect i think it is unique.
% Some Examples %
You have installed a game from floppy on your HD,but when running
the games screens are corrupted,even though they ran ok from floppy
copy Runit to your hd,add these lines to the softwares startup-sequence
Try : RunIt ScrBlank Sprite
Or : RunIt ScrBlank Sprite SetOld
GFX & sprites / sound are corrupt
Try : RunIt Nocache Sprite scrblank setold
Or : Runit Nocache Sprite scrblank setold Vbase
Games memory reports fail and refuses to load ie: Silkworm (Nondos)
Try : RunIt scrblank oldkick Highboot
Or : RunIt scrblank oldkick Lowboot
If you are unsure why the game fails and is standard dos
Copy Runit to your disk,and add these lines to the startup-sequence
Try: Runit Degrade
Or : Runit Degrade Fakefast
If it is NONDOS ie: No files , can not be dir`ed
Try : RunIt Degrade Highboot
Or : RunIt Degrade Lowboot
If it still fails to load , try a mixture of options!.
Remember if the game is NONDOS use the HighBoot / LowBoot options
If you can alter the startup sequence,copy runit to the disk and
insert the Runit command call + options in the startup-sequence!
% Reminder %
RunIt is charity ware , if you use it , give help to those in need ,
in whatever way you wish , whether it be putting money in collection tins
, or clothes to charity shops , etc.
% RunIts history - Versions 1.0 to 1.6 %
V1.0a The Initial release
V1.1a Bug fixed release
Minor bug in the scrblank routines caused copper corruption / crashes
in certain circumstance`s , this has now been fixed.
Recoded , now totaly pc relative
V1.2 Added new options + colour :)
OLDKICK option added , helps with software incompatability on 2.x ,
3.x Kickstarts
SET??? option added , select OLD / ECS / AGA or BEST chipsets
helps with GFX bugs , etc
Memory routines rewritten for future Kickstart compatabilty
V1.3 added new option - Sprite & recoded scrblank routines
SPRITE option added , helps stop sprite corruption on AGA &
ECS chip based machines
SCRBLANK option has been re-written - its screen / chipregs
setup are now as close to 1.x as possible
V1.4 added two new options - Vbase and Degrade + scrblank recoded again!
VBASE option added,helps stop mysterious crashes etc
DEGRADE option added,combines all the options needed to get
those stubborn games to run in one command!
SCRBLANK option altered to also reset colour selection reg in
AGA to palette #1,stops the wrong colours appearing!
V1.5 - lets just ignore this one eh!-Butchered 1.4 version by THOMAS!/SP
V1.6 A bug that crept into NTSCMODE & PALMODE from version 1.3 has
been fixed!, In some circumstances they just failed to work!
Added four new options Newvbase - Chip512k - Fastoff - Border
NEWVBASE option added,helps stop crashing/lockups on software
thats puts code at lower memory areas that are usually
reserved for 680x0 vector
CHIP512K option added,Turns off all chip ram > 512k
FASTOFF options added,Turns off all fast ram
BORDER option added,colours border colour to 0 , toggle back
to normal screen mode by running again
% Another reminder :) %
Remember , if you have any suggestions , or more ideas for utils call
The Krypt BBS on (UK) 021 789 6845 (Oversea`s +44 21 789 6845)
Leave mail to Software Solutions
% End of Document file %